Visions and Values

'Quality Learning, Friendship for all'
“St Comgall’s is committed to the aims and ideals of Catholic Education and through this to develop each child’s knowledge, experience and understanding. St Comgall’s Primary school endeavours to build a strong effective pastoral system, within a caring environment and develop strong links with the home, parish and wider community.”
Our staff work to ensure that St Comgall's is a safe, spiritual and nurturing environment, to provide every child with the education they need.
As a Catholic School we are committed to:
- aiming to foster and nourish Christian values for life
- creating a happy, caring safe environment
- providing a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum
- promoting innovative teaching and an investigative skill-based approach to learning
- embracing new initiatives in our quest for life long learning
- using a varied up-to-date range of learning resources
- providing an enriching programme of extra-curricular activities and visits
- endeavouring to strengthen partnerships between school, home and the community