St Comgall's Teaching Staff

P1 Teacher

P.E. Coordinator

P2 Teacher

WAU Coordinator
FS Coordinator

P2 Teacher

P3 Teacher

R.E. Coordinator

P4 Teacher Learning Support Coordinator

P4 Teacher

P5 Teacher Music Coordinator

P6 Teacher ICT Coordinator

P7 Teacher
Vice Principal
Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection

Designated Teacher for Child Protection
St Comgall's Support Staff

Cleaning Staff

SEN Assistant

SEN Assistant

SEN Assistant

SEN Assistant

SEN Assistant

SEN Assistant

SEN Assistant

SEN Assistant

SEN Assistant

St Comgall's Staff are a dedicated team of professionals, who, together, work tirelessly to support the smooth and efficient running of the school and ultimately, enable and encourage every child to realise their true potential.
We firmly believe that, 'Together Everyone Achieves More' and we are honoured and proud to be a part of the team behind each child.